about us

Hi! I'm Pauline, I'm a twenty something year old (for life), I'm a full time mom but I also have a full time job at a mortgage company. I'm married to a hunter named Josh and we have a little monkey (son) named Liam. Josh is a HVAC Tech and an amazing dad! Josh and Liam have an amazing bond and I love watching it everyday. Josh LOVES to hunt. Hunting is not a seasonal sport it's more of a way of life. If you are married to a hunter you know exactly what I mean. We will get to more of that in later posts, I'm sure. Liam is 17 months old and is the BEST thing to ever happen to Josh and I. He is the sweetest, funniest little boy and I cannot imagine life without him, or before him really. He is full of smiles and funny faces. He makes us laugh everyday, even on the worst days. We also have a dog named Cooper who will be 9 years old this year. It's funny to say that he is 9 because he is still a puppy at heart. Cooper and Liam are pretty funny together, I actually think Cooper is terrified of all the energy Liam brings but overall they get along good.

I love to take pictures but by no means am I a photographer. I have a nice camera but find myself using my iphone and instagram to take pictures most of the time. I take pictures to capture memories and love to look back through and laugh at all the good times. This blog will be full of everything I love, pictures, recipes, stories and anything funny/random that I feel will give someone a good laugh.

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person." -Audrey Hepburn


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